We make clutches, handbags, backpacks from only highest quality artificial leather, which is water, scratch, stretch, abrasion resistant and light. It has no downsides in comparison to the real leather. Thanks to all modern technologies that are used when manufacturing it, our items are durable, stylish and easy to take care of.
How to take care of our items?
Items made of artificial leather can be cleaned using cotton pads or sponge soaked in a cleaning solution. It can be easily made using warm water and a soap. Special leather cleansers can also be used. When You are cleaning an item, try to keep the inner side dry. Clean the cleaning solution leftovers with a soft cloth. For cleaning and polishing, is best to use a silicone based sponge. That way items will be protected from dust, mud and water. To clean oil smudges use specialized cleansers.